More Grapes

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

We were up late last night – a good show – and I managed to sleep until almost seven this morning. I hadn’t packed up my stitching for the bee but I have my Farmer’s Daughter hand stitching always ready to go so I wasn’t worried. After my coffee I decided I really didn’t feel like going out so I stayed home, thinking I might get a bit of stitching in on my own.

What actually happened was I got a Cranberry Hall deposit ready for the bank and updated my records and calendar for things booked, things booked with a paid deposit, and things done and paid in full. There were a flurry of messages regarding our next meeting and some time spent trying to find a free date and time for a rental request; after that I prepared a draft agenda and sent it to the President for her approval. I got Pat’s year-end accounting ready and sent the files off to the accountant. When I was about ready to start something fun I had some Hall money dropped off at the house so I had to update my deposit.

On one of Pat’s breaks I suggested that maybe when class finished he could pick some grapes as I had some running around to do. He planned to get some groceries when he finished but we decided I would get the groceries while I was out and he would pick grapes. By the time I was home and had groceries put away he had started pulling the grapes from the stems. He continued with that while I started washing and juicing them. I’m waiting for the juice to cool a bit and I’ll put it through its last straining and get it into containers. We don’t even know if we have room in the freezer for the containers but I’ll worry about that later.

I think I’ll have a couple more picks before the grapes are off the vine but I’m done with it now until after the concerts. I have some major cleaning to get done tomorrow during Pat’s breaks and continuing after he is done – I don’t want our guests sticking to the floor!

I’m looking forward to a night at home.