Finally, some sun

Sunday, September 23, 2018

We spent the end of the week and the weekend on Texada where it did nothing much but rain the entire time. I hoped that on my birthday we could do some exploring through the back roads on the island but with a weather advisory we thought it best to stay indoors. Due to the dry summer, the heavy rain and high winds that were expected, there was some concern that trees could come down. Although it rained quite hard most days we didn’t get much wind at the studio and we never even lost power.

Although my birthday was quiet I heard from most of my friends and family. Thank you to everyone. We went out for dinner and even the wait staff wished me a happy birthday with a card and free dessert. One waitress, Nicki, has always called me by name but when Pat made the reservation Daniel, the other waiter, heard my name as Shirley so my card read Happy Birthday Shirley. It was Nicki who was working when we got there and we had a good laugh at the name mix-up. She said she had spent the afternoon feeling bad because she had been calling me “Sherry” for all these months. You can call me pretty much anything you want if you give me free dessert!

I was able to get in a half-hour walk one afternoon. Pat plays bridge on Friday and I arranged to walk the trail into town to meet him at the Legion. It wasn’t raining when I left the studio but I had my rain jacket in my backpack and I was wearing my rubber boots and rain hat. I was in the forest for most of the walk but before I exited the trees I put on my rain jacket for the last little bit. It started to pour again just as I got into the Legion but I had a ride home so it was okay.

Pat was recording on both Friday and Saturday so I had to be extra quiet – not that it is much of a problem. I worked on a cross stitch project that will keep me busy for many more such recording sessions.

We planned to come home on the noon ferry today but it didn’t take long to clean up (we have a concert over there next weekend) so we made the early ferry. I’ve been puttering since we got home and I think the day will be over before I accomplish much of anything.