A good day for a quilt

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Over the last few days the house has been quite chilly but I’ve resisted the urge to turn on the furnace. Last evening while I stitched I had to wear my outside sweater; it was cool for sleeping though and I like that. The house temperature has been hovering between 65º and 66º; as long as I’m busy that is quite comfortable for me.

We had rain overnight and most of the morning and when I took a break from my quilting to get a cup of coffee I notice the thermostat had dropped to 62º. That seemed a bit too cool so I flipped the furnace on. The rain has since stopped so I think I can turn it off again. I finished quilting and sewing the binding on my community quilt so I shouldn’t be too cold this evening while I do the hand stitching on the binding.

Since the sun is out at the moment I think I’ll head up to the Fall Fair. There is never much to see but I like to support their efforts.