Nothing new here

Saturday, July 7, 2018

I skipped yesterday’s post because I didn’t have much to say. I had hardly slept the night before; awake until close to 5:00 AM and then I was up before nine. No idea why I wasn’t sleeping but by 3:00 AM I gave up, turned on my light, and finished my book. About all I managed on Friday was the cake I needed to bake for the show last night and a good nap in the afternoon.

I enjoyed the show last night even though there was some work involved for me. I often wish I wasn’t such a responsible person and I could pass over things that need to be done, as many of the other Board members do. I arrived at the Hall early as I knew the renters from Thursday night wouldn’t have done a clean up. I was right. Although I wasn’t in charge of the Concession our one volunteer really couldn’t keep up with it and the other three Board members (including one who was supposed to be helping with Concession) weren’t lifting a finger to help. Between one other Board member and myself we got everything done; at the end of the night I was left sweeping up the floor after everyone had left.

This morning I got my deposit ready; I don’t know when I’ll take it to the bank but it won’t be until I have other errands to run. My plan for today was to get a couple of cards done; so far I have one finished so that didn’t work out exactly as I had hoped. At various times throughout the day though I’ve done a bit of cleaning; my main area to focus on is the upstairs craft room. Since I moved the doll house all the games that were stored in the stand need a new spot to call home; the spot I’ve picked is full of books so I’ve been busy re-sorting books and deciding what I want to keep and what I am willing to part with, and then finding a spot for the ones I want to keep.

I have some binding to hand stitch this evening and I think I’ll be able to finish English paper piecing one more of the shapes required for my Farmer’s Daughter.