It’s been a busy day

Thursday, June 21, 2018

I’ve had a busy day. I spent the morning picking weeds; there was a nice breeze so it felt quite cool all the time I was out. In fact I had to put a rock in the bottom of my weed pail to keep it weighted to the ground (before it was full of weeds of course). Pat sprayed the patio, sidewalks and driveway with the vinegar treatment a few days ago and I was pulling out the dead (or dying) weeds. I managed to finish the bottom patio but there is still a lot to do. By the time I’m done pulling it will probably be time to do another spray; the beds aren’t getting done but everything looks better-kept with the obvious weeds out of the bricks.

After a quick shower and lunch I was off to my afternoon sewing group. We’re still working on the bag; let me rephrase that – I’m still working on the bag. Jessie is still away (and will be for another two weeks), and Gail was puttering, looking through catalogues and checking shops online. I’m still at least a couple of weeks away from being done. I’ve spent two weeks quilting all the bits and pieces and I have at least another week of that left. Gail says once the quilting is done it will go together quite quickly.

I barely had time to switch my potato salad from the Safeway container into a bowl before I was off to the Guild’s potluck supper – our year-end party. They are always a lot of fun and this was the “Show and Tell” for the placemat challenge. There were 23 placemats tonight and everyone said that was the best participation they had seen for a long time. I didn’t win any prizes but I got a small folding box for participating in the UFO Challenge – I finished four of my six projects but all I got was a participation prize! Not complaining as I could have come home with nothing.

I’m off again tomorrow morning on the first ferry. I was invited to join three other ladies on a road trip to the Parksville Quilt Show. I’m looking forward to seeing a show but I don’t plan to make any purchases – unless of course I see something really special!