Last of the sewing is done

Monday, May 21, 2018

Another morning spent outside and I’ve finally made it around the whole yard once this year. Of course the first areas need to be done again and I’ll be going in circles for the rest of the summer. It is nice to look outside and see that I’ve made a difference though. We need some rain; I had to dig the hose out and do some watering again today.

I finished quilting my last card top this afternoon. I’ll do the hand stitching on the binding but I’m done sewing until after I’m back from my trip. I spent some time clearing off my cutting table; it was buried deep in fabric from various projects. I still have a ways to go before I’ll be finished with the tidying but I’m determined to get it done and vacuumed before I leave.

It was a sad evening last night. I was so delighted to find another season of Call the Midwife but every episode in this season seemed sadder than the last. I just checked and there will be at least two more seasons but I expect I’ll be waiting a long time before they come to Netflix. I’ll have to find something else to watch in the evenings now; maybe I’ll go back to Friends because after Call the Midwife nothing will seem very good for awhile.

I’m making some progress on my crocheting project; I’m finding it a nice change from knitting.