Back to work

Monday, May 7, 2018

I had a lovely time on the weekend; the back door wasn’t even unlocked on either Saturday or Sunday. I managed to get four cards done as well as two Splendid Sampler blocks. There are lots more blocks in the line-up but the ones that needed to go out in the mail are done and posted. All except one that I stuck under a bin of fabric to get the packaging a bit flatter in hopes it would go through the Post Office as a large letter – it wasn’t until I was at the Post Office that I remembered it. Oh well, a trip tomorrow morning on the way to quilting isn’t unusual for me.

I had to get my reports ready for the Cranberry Hall Board meeting and it was noon before I was done. I’m still in my position as Secretary/Treasurer but I’ve also added Rentals to my “portfolio”. Fortunately it is summer and there aren’t too many requests coming in so far. And with a change in the Board there are some things that were collected from outgoing Board members that will have to be dispersed to the new members on the Board. Two big tasks remain for me – filing our Constitution and Bylaws with BC Registry (and hoping they meet the new requirements) and getting the accounts ready for the accountant.

After my trip to the Post Office and a bit of shopping I got busy cleaning – the Board meeting is at the house tonight and the place hadn’t had a good clean since the last House Concert. I still have a pile of things to bring upstairs but I don’t need to do any tidying up here as no one sees it but me! I’ve started a new routine when I put my fabric away; larger pieces of fabric are wrapped around a long 6″ ruler and I cut some templates to wrap the smaller pieces of fabric. I’m following some suggestions on a blog although her suggestions call for ordering her special products.

For the past week I’ve either been ill or suffering from allergies – I have such a hard cough, my nose is a bit runny and my eyes water (which also makes my nose run). I don’t in any other way feel like I have a cold so that’s why I’m thinking allergies. I take an allergy pill in the morning and it lasts me through to the middle of the afternoon and then I start hacking again. I’ve been drinking tea like it’s going out of style and I ran across this quote from a teabag the other day – “The difference between a flower and a weed is a judgment”. So I’m staying out of the yard (although it is a mess) and being non-judgmental; when I open the door the smell of the grass really bothers me. But I must say the lilacs this year are gorgeous – our whole neighbourhood is purple and green and, occasionally, the aroma comes in through the open windows and doors.