Back on the Rock

Saturday, February 3, 2018

I told Pat yesterday that if it was pouring rain I wasn’t going to walk down to the terminal to catch the morning ferry across. As it turned out there was no rain and, although it wasn’t sunny, it was a nice jaunt. While I waited for the ferry I watched two eagles chase a couple of cormorants off the pilings so they could take roost. There were a couple of loons in the water and when I had given up on seeing any mammals a big sea lion swam past.

We went for a walk before heading out for lunch. After lunch we took a drive around town; I really hadn’t seen anything of the town since we got our place. There are more houses than I realized from our trips in and out, some new and some very old.

The rain has started in earnest now, Pat is lighting a fire, and I’m going to get out some stitching.