A quick update

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

I have less than ten minutes before we head off to the Cranberry Hall Board meeting. I spent all day in my studio – most of the morning was spent getting reports ready for the meeting tonight and for the Guild meeting tomorrow.

When the work was done I got busy on a card; since I was using a Splendid Sampler pattern I did an extra block for my Second Time Around quilt. It’s the first sampler block I’ve done for ages and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have the binding left to do on the card and some stay-stitching around the edges of the block but it feels like a productive day.

I found a suggestion for 31 days of decluttering. It’s going to take me longer than that but I thought I could work at the Day One suggestion until it is done and then move on. Paperwork was the first de-cluttering goal so I shredded a couple of bins of paper today; I still have a box full and there would be more if I cleaned out my filing cabinet, but first things first!