Finishing and figuring

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

I fully intended to start quilting on my sandwiched donation quilt but when I started to clear my table and unpack from yesterday’s sewing I changed my mind. As of the bee yesterday I had two projects that just needed a bit more time before they could be moved to the “Finished” pile so I decided to work on them. I still have three projects that could be finished fairly quickly and I might work on them tomorrow morning before my hand stitching session. Some of my finishes aren’t ready to be revealed just yet as I’m not sure if they will end up as gifts but I’ve posted some of them.

I spoke to someone yesterday who had done a session with the long arm quilting machine. She advised against using anything “good” for my first session. According to her the first couple of hours on the machine produced some pretty rough results, but she was better by the time she finished. I have a couple of quilt tops that I had in mind for the long arm but, based on Sandra’s suggestions, I’m rethinking that plan.

My next idea for the long arm was that I would make a quick quilt top of some sort. But no matter what pattern I use it would take time and be “just another project”. I have a bag of orphan blocks (squares, half-square triangles, etc.) but putting different sizes together into something would probably be a nightmare so that idea was off the table. Then I thought maybe I’d just sandwich a couple of pieces of fabric together but that wouldn’t give me any experience going over seams so I set that idea aside. I have worked on something I was calling my Bingo quilt but when the grandkids were here this past summer the game didn’t work out as well as I would have liked. So I think I’ll finish off the few blocks I have done and use that as a practice for the long arm. We have a new dog in the family so perhaps George will end up with a blanket for his kennel.