It should have been quick

Monday, October 23, 2017

I should have had a quick finish this morning. I was quilting my miniature (a table topper) but somehow I messed up and had to unpick six lines of quilting. Fortunately it was all straight lines and by after lunch I was ready to start another round of quilting. The binding is attached now and I’ll hand stitch tonight. If nothing goes wrong I’ll have a finish in plenty of time for the Mini Meez meeting in November.

I’ve packed a new project for tomorrow. At the last Texada retreat we were given a fat quarter of fabric; our challenge was to make something with it for the next retreat. As that weekend is fast approaching I thought I’d better get started. I’ve wavered about what to make but when I saw a photo on Facebook this morning, and realized I had the pattern, I decided it was a “sign” and so that’s what I’m going with. I have it all cut out and, hopefully, I have everything I need to get it stitched tomorrow. I’ll also take along my bin of Rail Fence blocks in case I run out of things to do.

I started on a Prayer Shawl last night and it is knitting up quite quickly. Maybe I’m supposed to be saying prayers or at least thinking heavenly thoughts as I knit  but I opted to knit while watching a few episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. I hope that isn’t bad karma!