What is the perfect pot luck dish?

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Tonight is the Guild pot luck so I’ve spent some time over the last few days figuring out what I should take. I seldom take a main course dish, usually a salad or sometimes a dessert. Since I’m not eating much in the way of desserts these days I decided on a salad. But what salad?

Originally I thought I’d take a Spinach Chicken Cranberry salad. If I made it without the chicken it would serve as a vegetarian dish and if I substituted honey in the dressing with agave syrup it would also serve as vegan (I’ve had to do that on one occasion). But I’d have to buy a lot of the ingredients and it isn’t good made too far in advance (and we had a movie this afternoon) so I went looking for something else.

I make a pretty good bean salad – you know the kind with four or five different beans in it with a sort of vinegary dressing. That seemed to fit what I’m eating most days and any of the leftovers would be good to take to Texada this weekend.

But by this morning I had changed my mind again – but only slightly. I had to get a few groceries for the weekend and when I remembered that the deli at Quality Foods make a good bean salad I decided to buy some of it. Once I put it in my own crystal serving bowl it will (maybe) look like something I made myself.

Mission accomplished!