Above All Things / Cavedweller / Bastard Out of Carolina

Author: Tanis Rideout / Dorothy Allison / Dorothy Allison

Above All Things

Why would anyone voluntarily put themselves through the physical agonies and risks to climb a mountain? According to George Mallory the answer was “Because it’s there”.

This novel tells the story of Malloy’s last climb – an attempt on the summit of Mount Everest. In alternating chapters devoted to the climbing party and Ruth, the wife and family Mallory left behind, there is a glimpse of the harsh lives both are living.

It was a fascinating read and I have to admit I Googled the Everest expedition because I couldn’t wait until the end of the book to see what happened.


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Certainly not a joyful novel but there are some very strong women characters. The book is set in Georgia but this is certainly not Southern Belle territory. I highly recommend it.


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Bastard Out of Carolina

When I pulled this book, and another by the same author, off my bookshelf and added it to my “virtual bookshelf” I was pretty sure that I had read it before. When I was at the Library returning my last set of books this was the only author I remembered so brought both of the books home – strange I know, but in my mind it made sense.

The story is narrated by Bone, a poor Southern girl living a sub-standard life. When her step-father begins to abuse her she blames herself and tells no one,

This is not a book for the faint of heart but I’ve pulled my copy from the For Sale box and added it to my Modern Classic shelf.


Goodreads Rating  * * * * *