How well do I really remember?

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

I had a good day at the bee; the card I was working on was very complicated but I finished the top before leaving for the day. Yesterday afternoon I pretty much redrafted the pattern and I was glad to learn today that another Splenderite had the same problem. I had a few seams that needed to be done twice but my redrafting appears to have worked. Fortunately I made another copy of the pattern so when it comes up again for my second set I’ll know what I’m doing. I often think when I do a card that hasn’t come up yet on the Second-Time Around that I should get ahead and do it; I do that when a block for the Second-Time Around comes up and hasn’t been used yet for a card – provided it is appropriate for someone on my list.

As one of the first four quilters in the hall today I brought home a lovely bouquet of sweet peas. They are sitting on the table beside me and I can smell them from my chair. No Guild library work today; on the way home from the bee I stopped at the fabric shop to make an arrangement for 40 fat quarters for my Guild Challenge. I discussed my plan with two long-standing Guild members and they liked my idea but suggested the Challenge goes over better if fabric is involved.

We occasionally go to one of the Indian restaurants in town but I always refuse their rice pudding because their recipe isn’t as good as the one I earned my Brownie cooking badge for. We had cream left over from Cranberry Day so I have a rice pudding in the oven. I hope it lives up to my memory of it!