Counting down

Friday, August 11, 2017

The day is getting closer, items are being checked off the list, things are being moved to the Hall. But will I be ready?

We had an early appointment on Texada this morning so we were out the door by 6:20. I am often up that early but I sure wasn’t ready to get up when the alarm went off today. So much so that when we got back I decided I needed a morning nap.

When I got up there wasn’t time to bake cookies before our next scheduled meeting and I didn’t even have room in the fridge for more dough. When our errands were done I made another double batch of cookies. Today while they baked I got our donation jars decorated with ribbon and packed up our give-always in wicker baskets. All those wicker baskets are coming from areas in my sewing room so there will need to be a major clean-up the studio when all this is over.

Pat is playing at the market tonight so I’ll take a load of things to the Hall which will clear up some fridge and counter space. When I get home I’ll do a final double-batch of cookies and hopefully get at least one load of laundry done. There are still a few things I can do tonight to prep for tomorrow’s set up but I’m managing to stay relatively stress free.