Another move

Monday, May 22, 2017

It never ends – the shifting, the moving, the reconfiguring! Yesterday afternoon Pat saw a posting on Facebook from one of his friends; he had a Rubbermaid desk that he was giving away. Who knew Rubbermaid even made desks? It took two trips to get all the pieces home. Pat asked if I wanted to use some of the pieces in my sewing room and I took him up on one of the smaller pieces.

Out with the old
In with the new

I washed the piece down while it was still on the back deck; it had been stored in a basement and it had collected a few webs. Pat helped me move it upstairs this morning and I started to rearrange my room.

The “old” desk is now a printer stand and the shelves hold most of the things I use at my computer desk. The new piece became my new computer desk; it is a little lower but I can use the same chair and just get rid of the pillows I’ve been sitting on. The desktop is much more spacious so, when I get back to doing some paperwork, I will appreciate that.

My paper shredder is right beside my desk (although it doesn’t show it in the photo) so I can shred the new stuff as it collects rather than waiting until I have a bunch and doing it together.

The printer table is now the table my new pressing board sits on.

All in all I’m very pleased!