Starting over

Thursday, April 27, 2017

I headed out to Canadian Tire first thing this morning to get the Pour Shield for my mixer. There was only one left on the shelf; it felt so light when I picked up the box that I opened it to be sure there was actually something in it. When I got home Pat attempted to attach it to the bowl of my new mixer but it was too small; we did a bit of research and realized that even though the piece I purchased was for a 5-quart bowl it was meant for a 5-quart mini. Nowhere on the box did it say anything to indicate it didn’t fit all of their 5-quart bowls. After looking at the reviews for both this smaller shield and the larger one we decided it wasn’t worth purchasing; in over 100 reviews the best they could manage was a 1.5-star rating. Pat took the piece back and I saved myself $30. After my messes yesterday I used the Stir setting whenever I added something and I didn’t have any problems today.

The bundt cake yesterday turned out well but I had trouble getting the pineapple coconut loaf out of the pan; one came out fine but the other one fell apart in the middle. After sampling the split loaf we decided that the pineapple chucks were too much so today I made another batch using crushed pineapple. Both loaves came out of the pan fine but I guess I won’t really know if it worked until they are sliced on Friday night. Fingers crossed.

While I was in loaf-mode I made up the two packaged loaf mixes; so much quicker than preparing them myself. I made a lemon poppyseed loaf and a banana loaf; I think another time I would stick to a homemade banana loaf as the banana aroma while it cooked seemed artificial. Both loaves came out of the pans well so I hope they taste okay.

I have two batches of pre-packaged cookies to make tomorrow. I hope to get an early start on them as I made an appointment for the early afternoon to get my hair cut. I’ve wanted to get at it since before the quilt show but never took the time out of my days. Since I’m not getting a lot done except baking I decided to get it done before the show on Friday.

The show tomorrow is sold out so I made lots for the Concession. Anything I don’t use can be kept for the following weekend when Pat does another show; he also has a Song Circle a week early to keep Mother’s Day free for the people who attend.

We’re off to the movies tonight – I think tonight is the last in the Cinematheque series.