Another night out

Friday, February 24, 2017

I really didn’t plan to go out tonight. Someone booked the hall for a Cabaret-style show and she asked Pat to do sound for her. When Pat came home from the sound check he said she was really good and I might enjoy it.

If I stayed home I think I could finish the quilting on the last borders of Blossoms. On the other hand it would be nice to attend a show at the hall when I’m not actually working. Even if I stayed home I don’t think there is any way I’d have the binding attached to the quilt until Sunday, and it really doesn’t matter if it is Sunday AM or PM because I’m going to take the rest of the day off on whatever day it is done. I’m out most of the day tomorrow so I’ve pretty much written it off.

So, planned or not, I’m out the door in a few minutes.