It’s a start

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How is it that I’m the only one who came away from the Cranberry Hall board meeting with a list of things to do? My list isn’t long but I decided not to do it today as I’m likely to get another list of things to do at the Guild meeting tonight. I think my New Year’s Resolution should have been to practice saying “No”, and learning to ignore work that needs to be done.

I had some printing to get done before the Guild meeting tonight so late this morning I headed out with a list of other errands. Most of my stops were short but they were things that had been piling up. Sadly the $4.25 I earned by returning my empty bottles wasn’t enough to pay for my bill at the fabric store. I have a new project that I want to do in batiks and my collection of batiks is quite slim. The Christmas fabric was on at 30% off and no one had to twist my arm much before I was asking for a few meters.

img_9694Finally this afternoon I was able to get a start on some quilting. I haven’t got to the fun part yet (with my new ruler templates) but most of the stabilizing is done. I’m very happy with the new layout in my studio; with the lower desk behind my machine the quilt falls nicely onto it as I quilt.