Oh what a day!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

We had such a good time at The Dickens Banquet last night – good food, good friends – and we won the trivia contest! There were a few questions we weren’t sure of the answer to but between the bunch of us we came to the right decisions. How many reindeer in the original “Night Before Christmas” poem? Thanks to the librarian at the table we realized Rudolph didn’t make an appearance. Who shares the sleigh in “Jingle Bells”? Fanny Bright. I had just that afternoon listened to Barbra Streisand’s rendition; the table that came in second erred by saying it was Fanny Bryce! It was a good hunch (again from our librarian) that egg nog was invented in England, and who knew that marshwort was the key ingredient in cranberry sauce? Pat did! We each won a $20 gift certificate to the Laughing Oyster; someone joked that with the certificate dinner would only cost us $50 each!

We woke up to a bright sunny day and the snow on the mountains across the Strait was gorgeous. That snow is getting quite low down the slope and it may get even lower. They are predicting snow for us tonight and over the next week. It was +2 this morning but Pat said it “felt like” -1! When Pat got home from a grocery run I asked if it was cold. He said it wasn’t so I made a quick trip across to the library with just a sweater and shoes (no socks). I guess we have no right to complain.

I hoped to get a lot more done today than I have. The morning went fine and I expected to finish three gifts this afternoon. So far I’m still working on #1. I swear I have sewn the piece in every configuration possible and it is still not right. My pattern is missing some key notes and if I ever get the first one done correctly I’m sure the others will go faster.

Back to it!