Paper, paper everywhere

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I wondered this morning if the fact that I felt worse today than yesterday meant I was getting better. What do you think? I’ve had to start on some nasty-tasting medicine just to try and get my cough under control. I seem to be back to napping in the afternoon as well – that could just be habit though.

As a result of the board meeting last night I have tons of work to keep me busy over the next month. Our secretary was away and asked someone to take the minutes. I didn’t volunteer but when the person who took the minutes said she was going to wait to pass her notes to the secretary, I volunteered to type and distribute them. I had that done by 9 AM so you know I was up early. The minutes from this meeting were critical to getting my signing authority approved at the bank so I had something to gain by doing it.

The rest of the morning I spent clearing up a bit of my own paper work. I’m in the middle (I wish I were at the middle but I’m more in the midst) of a paper shredding project. I think today I was shredding items from 2005 and 2006 – still a long way to go. No matter how careful I try to be I end up with bits of shredding all over the floor. I think I’ll have to pull out the vacuum and clean up a bit before my next trip.

For the rest of the afternoon I’m going to tackle some of the Cranberry Hall paper. Although I could hold off and do most of it after I get back I know I’ll feel better if it is all done now.