Not a good start

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Feb 16 - 1It was bee day today and I had all my projects packed and ready to go. They were all small (cards, miniatures and a block of the month) and fit into bags so I didn’t have my usual number of boxes to carry. The block of the month was first on my list and it was going really quickly until I was ready to put the rows together. I had made half square triangles using the wrong fabric for two of them and, because this was a rather simple block, I hadn’t brought along my extra fabric. I was going to move on to something else but one of the quilters said I’d be fussing over it all day so I’d be better off going home to get what I needed to make it right. So off I went and without too much time wasted I had it done.

Feb 16 - 3I should have been making cards, but I designed a miniature quilt and I wanted to see how it was going to turn out. I realized that I had cut enough fabric to make twice as many half-square triangles as I needed so I guess I’ll make two miniatures. One was destined as a prize at our Hands Across the Water event and I’ll keep the other one for myself.

Feb 16 - 2While stitching today I finished quite a few Leader and Ender blocks; nowhere near enough, but enough that I can take another ten blocks of my design wall.

The Film Festival starts tomorrow and lasts all through the weekend; my iPad is loaded with books and puzzles to entertain me during the down times. I’ll try to post the films we’re seeing, but there won’t likely be time for any Journal entries.