Home again

Thursday, February 12, 2014

I had a great visit with Christy and her family – thanks to you all! They are settled into their renovated home and I really enjoyed exploring the yard with the kids. We laid out a new soccer field, and made many trips down to Kanaka Creek which runs through their property. With all the recent rain the creek was running too fast to cross but next time I’m there I’ll take my rubber boots; the kids and I are already planning a trip across the stream into the way-back-there yard and we’ll take tools along and start taking apart an abandoned vehicle or two. Monday was Family Day and we all got to work and cleared out the greenhouse. Fortunately no snakes, mice or other creepy-crawly things were encountered. I was there for a Sunday performance of Beauty and the Beast; Taylor was absolutely enthralled and Dylan was very good about sitting still through it all!

I thought I was coming home to start attending the Film Festival but I was a week out. Nevertheless our art-film series started last night so we were off to the movies. We added the cinematheque and film festival movies into our calendar and we’re going to be at the Patricia a lot over the coming months. We’ve been a little starved for good movies of late so we aren’t going to complain.

I was back to my regular schedule today – paperwork and Red Cross. As part of my paperwork I found several patterns that I might use for quilting my Hubble quilt; I settled on one but I’ll have to see how it transfers to paper before I commit myself to it. I also found a video that I hope will help me sort out a knitting pattern I’ve been working on. I have a knitting finish (a shawl) that needs to be blocked and, once I have my quilt sandwiched, I’ll use my cutting table to do that.

In the meantime, I have a puzzle to get started on.