All ready

Friday, February 6, 2015

We got the house rearranged for the concert first thing this morning. We were up early because there was a storm brewing outside and we wondered if the ferry would be running. It was, and our guests had a good crossing; they even saw a pod of orcas – we like them to do that for those Easterners!

It took me most of the morning to take care of the priority Guild business from the meeting last night. We’ve been selling raffle tickets for the quilt show and there was a larger than usual deposit – most of it in loonies, toonies, quarters, dimes and nickels. I got it to the bank this afternoon and picked up some coin wrappers for the future.

I had a bit of time this afternoon to do a quick tidy in both my sewing and cutting room. It is far from clean, but the bits and pieces of fabric I’ve had left over from my various show projects has been cleared away. In my life, a clear bin with a lid is like gold so I don’t understand how I ended up with a lid and no bin. Perhaps it is still buried!

And I even think my packing is done – except for the last minute stuff.