Happy New Year

Thursday, January 1, 2015

I just did a quick check to see if I accomplished any of last year’s resolutions; it turns out I didn’t publish any! I’m going to be a bit braver than that this year.


I’d like to read at least one book a month from the bookshelves in our “library”. The pile of books by my bedside keeps growing with additions from friends and family. With the library just across the street I’m constantly borrowing new books, and I rarely pick a book from the ones we moved with us. Once those twelve books are read, I’d like to pass them along to someone else to read, or donate them to the Friends of the Library book shelf.


With the quilt show coming up in the Spring I should have all sorts of projects on this list, but I don’t. I feel like taking a step back from some of the “under a deadline” work I’ve been planning and just enjoy sewing the projects I get to. I want to complete at least twelve projects this year, but several of them will be for my own enjoyment. Some will be passed on to someone special.

Knitting and Crocheting

I find knitting to be my most relaxing craft, and I can do it in the evening while I watch television. I’ve been bookmarking patterns and it would be nice to finish a project each month. I have trouble figuring out who to give the knitted projects to though, and I don’t think I will do another craft show. It takes too much time to make too many things that may or may not sell. I’ll focus on items that use up the yarn I have and I’ll worry about what to do with the project once it is done.

Cross Stitching

I definitely want to get back to doing more of this. I tend to sew during my days at home and I don’t see well enough to cross stitch in the evenings while watching TV. I have three large projects (that I can see in my mind without even trying) so I’d like to get them finished this year. Elizabeth, Deloise and Kathryn will be the big winners if this goal is met!


It feels odd to put this on a list of resolutions, but I’m really hoping to drop the Red Cross from my list of volunteer duties. I’m not enjoying the work and if my heart isn’t in it I shouldn’t be doing it. For the moment we have three volunteers with the BOND program so I’m not called upon too often. My term as Treasurer with the Guild will end in June, and I will happily pass the torch to someone else. I plan to spend the next two years sitting in the crowd at the business meeting; I will keep up my duties with the blog though.