Lazy day

Thursday, April 3, 2014

If you don’t count my four hours at the Red Cross today it has been a pretty relaxing day. I slept in a bit and had a late breakfast. My work for the Guild meeting was done yesterday so I had time to sit and read a bit before leaving for my shift.

It wasn’t too busy in the Loan Cupboard today but there is always something to do. I stayed late to do the washing up; the gift card guilt from last week is still working! I managed to find spares for the two weeks I’ll miss when I’m on my trip. I hate to have to ask the ones who already have a scheduled shift to do an extra one.

My regular Guild business meeting is tonight but they are not generally stressful. It was suggested that I should take some photos of the Show and Tell items so they could be posted. I’ll take my camera and do that, but I’m not going to do anything other than post the photos. I have a couple of items for Show and Tell myself – will they think I only started this because I had items?

Time to relax a bit before dinner.