
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

I received news this morning via Facebook that our quilt store is closing. I’m really sorry about it. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that she had a fabric sale going on (25% off) and I was tempted to go have a look. None of my projects needed anything though so I set aside the idea.

But today, knowing there might not be another opportunity, I was tempted again – 30% off everything. The only thing I NEEDED was some spray baste but then I thought I might pick up some other fabrics and thread at good price for a time when I did need them. And maybe she had wool for a new embroidery project.

Pat and I talked about the risk of going to the store but I felt if I went first thing or at the end of the day there wouldn’t be many people around. We even floated the idea of me driving myself. I haven’t driven since my surgery last October but this would be a short trip with a large parking lot. In the end though we decided I was so close to the end of my treatments that it would be safer not to bother.

It’s a lovely day today and we did the sea walk again this afternoon. Pat noticed that I had a lot more energy and I certainly noticed that there were a lot fewer bench stops. It is too warm these days for my touque and today on the return trip I even took off my scarf. I’d like to say that the wind through my hair felt good but I still have no hair to speak of. The coolness on my scalp was pleasant though.

Happy Birthday Barb

May 1, 2023

Just for You (Bonus block from The Splendid Sampler series)

I picked this card from my pre-made bin as it looked like a cheerful reminder that Spring will be here to stay very soon and we’ll all be enjoying the colours in the flowers in our gardens.

In the dirt

Thursday, April 27, 2013

The weather has turned (again) and we’ve had a couple of nice days. I got out into the yard on Tuesday and did some weeding in one of the beds. I wanted to get the sunflowers planted because they were predicting rain for the next day. I ran out of steam before I got to the planting but Pat did that for me. I look forward to getting home from Vancouver and seeing them poking above ground.

I was out in the yard again today working on a couple of hosta beds. They were easy to do as I just needed to rake off the leaves that had accumulated over the winter. From there I moved on to clearing the patio bricks. I only got about half of one side done before I tired out.

I’m surprised at how little stamina I have; I feel fine but can only manage about half an hour of work. My knees were really hurting even though I was working from a padded bench. It wasn’t until I was putting my tools away that I saw the knee pads that Pat bought me last year. I’ll wear them next time I’m out and maybe I can last longer.


Andrew (from Little Handfuls of Scraps by Edyta Sitar)

This was my April project for the sewing day with Stacia and Deloise; I’m going through the book alphabetically while my sisters have picked a different path through the book. This is one that Stacia had already done so I was able to get some pointers from her.

When I was picking my fabrics, all scraps, I was happy that I had pieces already cut that fit the pattern almost perfectly. For another project I’d been saving 1.5″ x 3″ pieces; this called for 1″ x 3″ so it involved only a bit of trimming.

The piece went together very quickly and I was completely finished, binding and all, before our last check-in of the afternoon – a first for me.