
Sunday, January 6, 2019

I knew for certain yesterday afternoon that I didn’t have the energy to take another stitch on my quilting project. I watched a couple of movies during the evening and was up later than usual – a new, but relaxing, bit of crocheting always makes me want to keep on going.

I’ve been setting my alarm for six every day since the New Year – hoping to get a few more hours (heck, I’d settle for minutes) of quilting time. The heavy rain woke me at around four and, as I lay there, I decided if I was still awake at five I’d get up. When I first heard my radio I was amazed that it was 7:30 already; I was already late getting started.

I did the last bit of straight line quilting before getting set up for some free-motion work. I hadn’t gone very far before it was time to head down to the Hall for a showing, and then waiting for the afternoon renter. While I waited, one of the participants in the event, wandered in early and we started chatting. While most folks think the historic photos we have mounted in the Hall are an asset, this particular woman felt it was too bad that they “change the energy” in the room! On my way home I stopped to drop off a cheque at the home of one of our Board members. When I walked in it was like a mini Board meeting as both Pat and her husband are on the Board, our President was there working with Mike, and another Board member was on the phone with Mike wanting to talk to me.

Needless to say after the Hall visit and the mini-meeting I came home with another list of things to do. Since I was going to have to interrupt myself in a couple of hours to close the Hall I decided to get as much Hall work done as possible. I did quite well; I have to spend a bit more time on the minutes and get a deposit ready but that should be “it” until I pick up mail on Tuesday.

Now that the afternoon is almost over I’m running out of energy to get back to my quilting. But I’m going to force myself to keep at it at least until it is time to change thread colour.

Busy, but not done yet

Saturday, January 5, 2019

I’ve been quilting most of the day and, although I’m making progress, there is still a lot left to do. Before getting too far into it this morning though I had to go up to the fabric shop to get some matching thread. I like my thread to be as close to the fabric colour as possible so the quilting doesn’t show much. One of my favourite quilters was also at the shop so we all had a little visit.

I managed to get all of the Christmas decorations out to the shed. I’ve had everything down for a couple of days waiting for that one thing that I missed. So far I haven’t found it but no doubt it will show up tomorrow. We are taking the trunk that my Christmas decorations were in over to Texada to hold the bedding for the fold-out couch so it took some rearranging before I could even start hauling things down. The shed needs a good cleaning but I won’t do that until the extra trunk is out of there.

I think I’ve quilted myself out for the day so I’ll do a bit of paper shuffling before heading to supper and my knitting.

From Here to Eternity

Author: James Jones

When I bought this book from a Library Book Sale I was sure it was a classic. I like to read classics around Christmas and this is the one I picked for this year. I had the classic movie scene in my head of the couple on the beach with the waves crashing over them.

I’m a little at a loss with the book though as I really didn’t like it – the men in the Army before Pearl Harbour weren’t much more than womanizing, drunken idiots. And they didn’t get much better after Pearl Harbour (but then the book ends very soon after the incident). It’s a big book – about 850 pages – and you can imagine my horror when the hero (or at least who I thought was going to be the hero) ended up being shot by his own servicemen.

Perhaps I’d have been better off watching the movie. When I checked IMDb to be sure I was thinking of the right movie it was interesting to see the actors who played the roles of the characters in the book.

I’ll put the book on my Classic shelf but it won’t be one I read again. It was published in 1951 – does that make it valuable?

Goodreads Rating * *

Happy 40th Birthday Kathryn

January 4, 2019

Card Trick (from 501 Rotary-Cut Quilt Blocks)


First card of the New Year and the birthday is a big one. I don’t know how Kathryn got to be this age without me getting any older!

Kaffe Fassett

I used some of the Kaffe Fassett fabrics that were left from my Farmer’s Daughter blocks. It is lovely to be far enough along that I can start using the scraps. And I never use that line of fabric without remembering how much I enjoyed hearing him speak at the Houston International Quilt Show a couple of years ago.