Category Archives: Journal

My Christmas Cheer

Monday, November 20, 2017

I started feeling the Christmas spirit today. I dropped off several bags of knitting to the Salvation Army for their Christmas boxes. It is quite surprising how much I was able to get done in a year; on the other hand you might say I’ve spent way too many evenings watching TV!

I got a bit of payback for my good deed later in the morning. I had to stop at the Credit Union with a Cranberry Hall deposit. I’ve learned that the best time to go is just before closing; early in the morning has everyone lined up and at almost every other time of day tellers are off for coffee or lunch. But today when I stopped in I walked right up to a teller, made my deposit and was out in less than five minutes!

I spent some time prepping for a hand stitching project for my travels. So far I’ve been tracing and cutting both fabric and paper; the sewing part will happen either on the plane, in airports, or once I get to Saskatoon. I think I’ve almost finished piling up “stuff” to take with me so tomorrow I’ll see how much of it will actually fit into my suitcase.

I got a few groceries when I was out; there was a special on some snack crackers so I stocked up. When I went to put them into the pantry cupboard there wasn’t room so I decided to make some Rice Krispie squares. Using up the cereal in the box gave me all the room I needed for the crackers. I melted the butter and measured out the cereal but when I put the marshmallows into the pan they didn’t melt the way they should have. They melted but just into a glutinous mass that would be impossible to add the Rice Krispie to. I checked online and marshmallows do go bad – who knew! I also learned that trying to make Rice Krispie squares with less-than-fresh marshmallows meant that if you were able to get the cereal mixed in they would harden into a cement-like form. So the marshmallow mixture went into the garbage, the rice krispies went back into the cupboard (yes, I found room) and next time marshmallows are on sale I’ll store them in the freezer!


Sunday, November 19, 2017

I’m gradually crossing items off my list – as of right now I’m half-way done! I notice that packing isn’t actually on the list but I have lots of stuff spread out on the bed waiting to be packed. I even did a couple of loads of laundry today.

I don’t know if it is this new desk but I spent most of my morning catching up on paperwork. I cleared out my In Basket, including the filing that had piled up. I caught up on some Cranberry Hall business (including filing) and I have a deposit ready for the bank tomorrow. There are two Advent calendar game packages ready to take to the post office; getting those packages out was my biggest concern before leaving. I did all my on-line Christmas (and birthday) shopping this morning and I paid my upcoming bills. All that and my desktop is still clean.

We had another storm blow through last night, lasting most of the day. It still looks quite miserable out there but the ferries are running again. It isn’t often that the Texada run is canceled but that happened earlier in the day. It is no surprise when the Comox run is canceled. I’ve checked the forecast and although there is some wind predicted for Wednesday it doesn’t look like it will be enough to be a concern for taking the ferry across to catch my flight. It does add another level of stress to traveling though.

I’m off now to pull out some donation items for the Salvation Army. I’m afraid if they don’t get them before I leave their Christmas packages will have been packed.

Making a List

Saturday, November 18, 2017

I’ve made a list of everything that needs to be done before I leave for Saskatoon. As you can see it isn’t a short list. I was happy to be able to cross one thing off that list today and, with any luck, I’ll cross another one off tonight.


It fits in perfectly

Friday, November 17, 2017

My new desk fits in perfectly – in fact I think I have more space than I did before; mind you not all of my “stuff” has been put back yet. I worked on the Cranberry Hall minutes yesterday afternoon and I had space for all the paper without it covering the keyboard or having to sort it out on the floor! I scored a new chair too – it’s on wheels so I can easily whip around to the filing cabinet. I think while everything is out I may try getting rid of a bunch of stuff (mostly yarn) that I never use. I’d love to pass it to Emma but the mailing costs are so high I’d be better off letting her buy new. If I can’t find anyone in the Facebook groups that want it I’ll donate it to one of the thrift stores.

I’ve had another lovely day of sewing – on my own this time! I’m almost ready to do the hand stitching on some Christmas projects. I’ve had my Christmas music playing as I work and I’m enjoying myself.

Pat took the ferry across to the studio this afternoon. I plan to live in my PJs for the better part of the next couple of days – I have someone coming to the house on Sunday so I’m going to have to get dressed at some point!

Back to work!