The Life We Bury

Author: Allen Eskens

If you don’t judge a book by its cover then how about by its title. This suggestion came from one of the many lists I follow and both the cover and title intrigued me. I’m always amazed that the library has so many books on their shelves that I’ve never heard of but newer books by popular authors sometimes aren’t available.

Carl Iverson has spent thirty years in jail for the murder of a young woman, his next door neighbour. He is dying from pancreatic cancer and has been paroled to a nursing home for his last few months. Joe Talbert is a university student whose assignment for an English class is to interview a stranger and write a portion of their life story. Joe is in search of a subject when he comes to the nursing home but most of the residents have lost their memories and Carl seems the only likely candidate. As the story unravels Carl’s conviction is in question.

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