A reprieve

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

For the first time in quite awhile I actually had to find some projects to take to the bee. I’ve been hand stitching on my Farmer’s Daughter quilt for so long that even the other ladies noticed I was working on something new – and wondered if I had finished the flower project.

I wasn’t working on anything too exciting today, but I got a new sleeve attached to a wall hanging. When I finished my Canada 150 project I added a sleeve, but only a small one that would fit my curtain rod. I wasn’t thinking ahead to the quilt show so I added a larger sleeve to the back today.

I also worked on another card. I was pleased to find the pattern but it didn’t work out very well. It was a freebie so I guess I should have anticipated there might be problems but this particular site is usually pretty good. It was a paper-piecing block and one of the pieces I sewed three times before I got it right. That was my own fault but when I went to put the pieces together some were wider than others. I can still use the block but it won’t be the size it was originally intended to be. I also pieced a backing and some batting for the card so it is ready to quilt.

I took along my Guild challenge bag project but I hadn’t cut any of the fabric at home and I decided to call it quits early – the bag can be my Thursday project this week. I had a few stops to make on my way home (surprise!).

I thought that this Thursday was our Guild meeting and I knew that in January I had signed up for treats for the next meeting. I was quite happy when someone mentioned the meeting wasn’t until next week. I had visions of trying to get cookies baked in the morning before heading out for my sewing afternoon; I’m hopeful that by next week my mind will be more settled and I’ll be looking for a break from my quilting and my Cranberry Hall duties from the meeting last night will have been handled.