Done – sort of

Thursday, December 7, 2017

It took all morning to finish my Guild work for the meeting tonight. Our website is a freebie and therefore comes with size restrictions. Although we aren’t entirely out of space I decided (for some strange reason) that today would be a good day to archive some of the pages and photos. I’m not sure what I’ll do with them now that they are off the site but I’m thinking maybe some sort of binder with the “old” stuff. I’ll check with the person who does the Archives, although she doesn’t really do anything with her photos either. It will involve lots of work but perhaps I can do a little each week/month when I’m on the site anyway.

After lunch I went out to run a few errands; dropping some Cranberry Hall membership cards off and making a bank deposit. I did a bit of Christmas shopping and I think I’m done, unless I’ve forgotten someone or something. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not DONE DONE as I still have a bit of sewing and stitching to finish up. I’m hoping to get a few packages ready for the mail tomorrow though and have everything ready by the end of the weekend. No Texada trip for me this week.

I’m going back to my sewing until it is time for supper.