On the run

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Is yoga for relaxation or a workout? I always felt it was for a good stretch and some relaxation, but that wasn’t the case this morning. I think I’m going to be stiff tomorrow. At the beginning of the class she had us (in our minds) dedicate our practice to someone or something. I, of course, dedicated mine to my grandchildren so I’ll be able to keep flexible enough to keep playing with them. Several times during the class she had us bring our focus back to our dedication. It’s a good thing I made a dedication; otherwise I probably would have snuck out the door when everyone had their eyes focused somewhere else!

I had to pick Margaret up early today as she had a few things to do before our Red Cross shift. It was a quiet day in the Loan Cupboard and I only had a couple of calls to deal with. Margaret got her lab work done while we were there, and I’ll take her to the doctor tomorrow to get the results.

I had a lovely chat with Diane this afternoon. Her birthday parcel finally arrived so we chatted about the contents and the crafts we are doing. I had a few minutes to sit and relax before dinner and then I was off to the Guild Meeting.

I took my Bench Cover for Show and Tell, as well as my Mystery Quilt. Normally I wouldn’t take something until it was quilted and bound, but one of the ladies who took the class asked us to bring in our tops so we could show them at the same time. What a lovely bunch of flimsies. Mine was the only one sandwiched and ready to quilt. I avoided talking to Shawn so she wouldn’t know that I haven’t even set up my machine since I brought it back from her shop!